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Social Responsability

Tecor sets out to achieve Customer and employee’s satisfaction as well as that of all the interested parties, namely, the Setúbal community, R&D and the environmental institutions.


We have R&D internship with INETI (National Institute of Engineering and Industrial Technology), as well with the APFTV (Portuguese association of the Manufacturers of Paints and Vernizes) and IPQ (Portuguese institute of the Quality) for the standardisation.


Tecor has even collaborated with IPS (Setubal Polytechnic Institute), in the innovation field and the shipbuilding industry projects.


Tecor internship provides training to new graduates, from different Scholarly institutions.


The company vicinity with Lisnave Shipyard also propitiates a range of social infrastrutures such as: transport, canteens and an Occupational Health Service.


Due to its location near the Sado Natural Reserve and its protected species, as well the employee’s wellbeing assurance, special preventive environment and safety measures, are required.

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